Najjad Zeenni

Hi! I'm Najjad Zeenni
Full Stack Developer

My favorite tech includes Node.js + SvelteKit, MySQL, Java & Python!

Zetane Engine
Current Employment.

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Want to know more?

A bit about me.


Node.js, Python, Java, and Wordpress Experience

I've gained hands-on experience with Node.js, Python, Java, and WordPress. I'm not just familiar with these technologies; I've used them to build real projects and solve complex problems.


Product Design & UX Enthusiast

I'm passionate about product design and user experience (UX). I enjoy creating designs that are both visually appealing and functional, always with the user in mind. I stay updated with the latest design trends to keep my skills sharp.


Effective Communicator

Clear and effective communication is my strength. I can explain complex ideas in simple terms, foster open discussions, and actively listen to others. Good communication helps me build strong team relationships and achieve great results.

The Complete Package
Candidate #1 Candidate #2 Candidate #3 Me
Critical Thought
Interpersonal Skills
Progamming Ability

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